SeaExpress Transit Limited COVID-19 response

SeaExpress Transit Limited continues to monitor and implement guidance from state agencies and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is dedicated to practices and policies that reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission within the SeaExpress Transit Limited facilities and ship.

Travelers and staff of the SeaExpress Transit Limited should understand that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is a contagious disease that in some cases can lead to severe illness and death.

For more information about COVID-19, visit the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.

The following sections outline SeaExpress Transit Limited company policies and procedures regarding COVID-19. This information is subject to evolve and change as circumstances warrant.

Self-Assessment: Employees and passengers are asked to stay home if any of the following is true:

You or anyone else in your household been exposed to anyone tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days.

You have tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days.

You have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever greater than 100.4
  • GI issues
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • New onset of loss of taste or loss of smell

While on SeaExpress Transit Limited premises and on-board the ship.

In addition to answering the self-assessment questions prior to arriving on-site, all persons are required to participate in temperature screenings prior to entry into SeaExpress Transit Limited facilities including the vessel.

Face coverings are required for all staff members and passengers age 3 and older.

• Face coverings must fully cover your nose and mouth and allow you to work hands free.
• Face coverings must fit snugly against sides of your face and may be made of breathable material.
• Costume masks or face coverings are not permissible.
• Face coverings may be removed to allow for eating or drinking or where medically necessary.

Physical distancing practices should be followed at all times by members of the SeaExpress Transit Limited staff and the public. The only notable exceptions being where regulatory-mandated requirements necessitate closer contact. Guidelines for physical distancing will be posted in the terminals and on the vessel.

To facilitate physical distancing, SeaExpress Transit Limited will limit the number of passengers allowed to travel on each trip. Additionally, sections of seating will be closed to maintain proper distancing between traveling parties.

Masks may be removed on the vessel outdoor sun deck and terminal outdoor areas but we ask that physical distancing requirements be observed at all times between unrelated traveling parties.

Hand hygiene including handwashing and use of hand sanitizer should be observed frequently. Hand sanitizer stations will be provided in the terminals and on the ship.

SeaExpress Transit Limited employees will engage in frequent and enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all public and staff-only areas of the SeaExpress Transit Limited terminals and ship.


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